Holiday Activity and Food Programme
The Derby City Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF) aims to support families in Derby by providing free activities and meals during school holidays and beyond. The HAF programme is for children who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals.
In 2024 HAF will be running in the Easter holidays (Apr), Summer holidays (Jul-Sep) and Winter holidays (Dec-Jan).
For information on providers follow the link here.
The HAF programme aims to achieve the following:
Access to activities that they may not otherwise be able to attend
Enjoy learning new skills
Reduce social isolation during school holidays by being social and meeting new friends
Enjoy a health and nutritious meal
Take part in physical and creative activities
Build a greater knowledge and awareness of healthy eating and nutritional needs
There are a number of providers that offer a range of activities and lunches across all areas of the city. Some of these providers will also accept all families, but there may be a charge to access them.
If your child is in receipt of benefits related free school meals and would like to book a Holiday Activities and Food place in the Easter holidays, you will need a unique code. Your child’s school should have shared a letter or email with you containing your child’s code. The new codes issued from February 2024 onwards will remain with your child while they attend their current school. Please keep the code in a safe place as you will need this for future bookings. If you lose your code, please contact your child’s school.
​A Holiday Activities and Food referral form is available for children who may not meet the free school meals eligibility requirement but may be vulnerable due to their circumstances. Professional referrals can be made for children who meet the vulnerable criteria to attend HAF sessions. Please note, places through the referral scheme are subject to approval and availability.
For a copy of the referral form, or any enquiries about the Derby HAF programme, please email: derbyHAF@derby.gov.uk
How to book your child onto a HAF provision:
Firstly find a provider that you are interested in for your child, from those available (here)
Make contact with the provider either through calling or emailing - some providers may have an online booking system
Ensure when you are booking a place, you inform the provider of any additional needs that your child has around SEND, cultural or dietary, so that the provider can make their space inclusive to support your child to attend.
Upon booking a place, the provider will ask for your code - which you should have been given by your child's school. Contact your child's school in advance if you do not have this.
If your child is not eligible for free school meals, you will not have a code. If you have other professionals involved with your family and you feel that you are entitled to the HAF support, please contact the HAF team and request a referral form (here)
If your circumstances change and your child will no longer be able to attend, or you no longer need the space please do contact the provider with whom you are booked so that they are able to reallocate your space to another child.