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Derby Voluntary Sector Awards 2024

Brought to you by Derby Volunteer Centre and Community Action with support from Derby Homes, the Derby Voluntary Sector Awards celebrates the city’s amazing voluntary and community sector.

The Derby Voluntary Sector Awards 2024 were held on 6th June 2024 at the Museum of Making, Derby and we heard so many inspirational stories of achievements of individuals in Derby City who have been striving to make improvements to the lives of those in their local communities.

Derby Youth Alliance celebrates the youth sector of Derby City and would like to recognise the young people and volunteers who were winners at the Voluntary Sector Awards.

Youth Work Award - Julia Hodder, Safe and Sound Group

Julia is a volunteer at Safe and Sound Group, a charity providing high quality tailored one-to-one support to victims of child exploitation and young people at risk in Derby. Julia gives up her time to volunteer, despite also running a business and volunteering elsewhere. Julia supports the Youth Work Programme through awareness and safeguarding sessions within schools, colleges, universities and organisations. She helps to deliver Safe and Sound's 'I can, I will' training programme, talking to young people about online dangers and what to be aware of when using apps and gaming platforms. Julia also provides hand therapy to several Safe and Sound groups, which is a great tool to get people talking about any trauma they may have experienced. Julia also delivers training programmes to the staff and volunteers around Youth Mental Health. She is an invaluable member of the Safe and Sound volunteer team.

Youth Award - Age 5-11 - Coral Butler

Coral has volunteered from an early age, supporting her peers and standing up for what she believes in. When her best friend was diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes, Coral completed online training (intended for adults) and became a medical buddy for diabetics at her school. She also created a presentation for her headteacher and the school catering team to highlight poor labelling of canteen food and how this can affect students with dietary, medical or nutritional needs - particularly those on Free School Meals. At primary school Coral encouraged the formation of a girls' football team that went on to win the county leagues and cup, and she highlighted Trans Day of Remembrance, resulting in a school assembly themed around LGBT+ allyship. As a year 7 pupil, Coral spearheaded Derby's White Ribbon campaign in her school (ending violence against women and girls). Outside of school, Coral has also supported local sports charities through fundraising walks.

Youth Award - Age 12-17 - Talha Imran

Talha has been volunteering as a SEND Ambassador for the past 3 years. SEND Ambassadors give students with special educational needs a voice, and Talha is an enthusiastic student keen to make a change. Talha is involved in his school council and contributes towards the development of the school and student engagement. He is always eager to join in and makes a huge contribution. Due to his autism, Talha struggled with social interaction and confidence, but since he has been volunteering, he has grown in confidence and has not let his autism get in the way. Talha has flourished, being able to attend different venues where he struggled to go before and has met many new people, without staff support. Talha has also started to volunteer in a care home and at a community café. He is a model volunteer who has found a voice in supporting those around him.

Youth Award - Age 18-24 - Rose Wills

Rose is a volunteer at Enthusiasm Trust, running dance sessions in the evenings and during school holidays for young people who are at risk of offending and social exclusion. Rosie has been an active member of the 'dance crew' since she was 13, despite having significant issues in her home life and having spent many weeks living in the YMCA when she was younger. Rosie is living proof that it is possible to turn your life around and is now studying for a BA in Musical Theatre at university. Rosie lives in halls of residence in Sheffield, but gives up her time to assist with dance sessions and holiday clubs at Enthusiasm on a regular basis. Without volunteers like Rosie, Enthusiasm would not be able to reach out to as many young people in the local community. Rosie is a brilliant role model for the younger children that attend Enthusiasm who may not believe higher education and success is possible for people like them.

Well done to our Youth Alliance network members who won awards!

Well done to all other award category winners!

  • Dawn Gee (Carlisle Against Crime) - Cindy Carter-Foster Community Champion Award

  • Terry Willis - Community Leader Award

  • Derby City Mission - Crisis Support Award

  • Sisters Talk (M-Prez Enterprise Ltd) - Cultural Champion Award

  • Liz Le Drew - Empowering Women Award

  • Shiraza Kauser - Good Neighbour Award

  • Friends of Sinfin Moor Park Local Nature Reserve and Colin Attenborough - Green Ambassador Award

  • Yosief Alem Afewerki - New Arrivals Award

  • Helen Marcer - Overcoming Barriers Award

  • Graham Owen (Spondon Rovers Football Club) - Sporting Award (joint winner)

  • Tahira Khan (DE23 Active) - Sporting Award (joint winner)

  • Martin Shaw - Lifetime Achievement Award

For more information on the Derby Voluntary Sector Awards click here

For more information on volunteering opportunities in Derby City click here

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