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Image by BP Miller
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Youth Alliance / Children and Young People’s Network Meeting - February 2024

Yesterday we held our first bi-monthly Children and Young People’s networking meeting of 2024 at The Annie Hall Memorial Centre - hosted by Umbrella, where we saw presentations about some of the work currently happening in the city, and had the opportunity to network with a wide range of professionals working with our children and young people.

Thank you to our speakers from:

Love4Life - Fawn and Karley presented about the support that Love4Life provide to girls aged between 11-18 in Derby City and surrounding areas through community groups, and in school groups and 1-1 sessions.

Sexual Health Matters - DCHS - Kelly-Anne and Michelle informed the group about Sexual Health services available to young people in the city and how organisations can get involved by using their mobile bus at events, accessing testing kits and contraception, being aware of stigma and being able to have open conversations about sexual health.

The Jamie Simpson Trust - Lorna presented about The Jamie Simpson Trust's upcoming 12 week programme Forward Vision, how to engage young people who may wish to attend, and the plans she has for the charity going forward.

Family Hubs Derby Youth Provision - Michelle presented a slide with information on Youth Provision which has been added to Family Hubs, and where to find dates and times on the Youth Alliance website to facilitate young people to attend these free sessions. She introduced Anna from Freedom Foundation and Matt from DCCT who are currently running sessions in Family Hubs, and looking to bring more young people into the sessions.

Derby Poverty Commission - Child Poverty Summit - Helen presented a save-the-date for the upcoming Child Poverty Summit in Derby, the figures around Child Poverty locally, and what organisations can do to show their support or get involved.

Thank you also to over 50 professionals who attended with open minds to collaborate and get to know each other with a view to improve and increase provision for our children and young people in Derby City!

For more information about our CYP network or to get involved please visit :

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