Derby City Council Locality 3 Neighbourhood Team and Derby Youth Alliance joined forces to host a Marketplace event at DWICA for organisations that work to support young people and families within
Abbey, Arboretum and Normanton wards of Derby City!
We were joined by 68 professionals who attended to showcase their work, network and make connections with others in the room with a view to working collaboratively to support children, young people and families in the area.
We also had a display of locality maps, and engagement activities where professionals could share and advocate for the young people they work with, to enable others in the room to be able to put a programme of support in place for the ongoing and upcoming needs of young people and families in our communities.
Organisations in the room:
...with many other organisations keen to attend at a later date!
If you are interested in joining in the discussion around what work could best support the diverse needs of the communities in this area please do fill in our Expression of Interest survey and we will keep you in the loop!
#derbyyouthalliance #derbycitycouncil #marketplace #networking #abbey #arboretum #normanton #cyp #families #derbycity #thisisderby